FUZIONDEALS LTD. was established in 2019 and has been providing arguably the BEST deals on new, used & refurbished electronics in Canada. Some of the key products we carry include: Smartphones, Tablets, Laptops, and Video Game Consoles. Our primary goal is to provide our retail customers with top quality products from leading premium electronics brands such as Samsung & Apple, without having to pay hefty retail prices. We also offer products in larger wholesale quantities via B2B (Business-to-Business). Our wholesale clientele includes many cellphone / electronics shops across Canada & USA, and larger companies who are looking to source discontinued models/end-of-life electronics & parts. For all wholesale inquiries, or if you are an end-consumer looking to buy phones or tablets directly from us at discounted rates over our retail marketplaces, you can make arrangements by sending us an email at: Contact@Fuziondeals.com
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